I Cloned Myself

Meet my clone.

I created it (him?) for a variety of reasons I’m about to explain, but it probably makes sense to start with an explanation of what it (he?) is.

My clone is an AI version of me trained on the expertise I’ve shared for years in my blog posts, newsletters, social posts, podcast episodes, and videos.

I’ve fed it almost 2 million words worth of stuff I’ve said and it gets updated with the new content I share every day.

You can ask it questions about anything you want – the kind of stuff you’d like my help with – and it will give you answers based on advice I’ve shared in the past.

Will my clone give you advice as good as the advice I (hopefully) can give you if you asked the “real” me?

Probably not.

But that’s not the point.

It may not be quite as good as the “real thing,” but it can still provide a ton of value to you.

(And me.)

That’s why I’ve partnered with Delphi.ai to create it.

And why I encourage you to try something similar if you’ve got an audience who values your expertise.

Let me explain…

My Clone Is Actually A Concierge

Delphi calls these clones, but I think of my clone as more of a concierge.

Just like a concierge, it functions like a guide to anyone who wants help navigating the expertise I’ve shared throughout the years.

When you ask my clone a question, you don’t just get an answer based on things I’ve said before.

You also get links to my content that inspired that answer.

That means my “clone” is also a cross-platform personalized search engine that surfaces content where I’ve addressed whatever you search for.

That’s SUPER valuable.

Currently, if you want to find something I said about a topic you’d have to individually search Google, my website, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and my podcast to comprehensively find my thoughts on the topic.

But those search results will be far from perfect and likely limited to what happens to appear in headlines.

But my clone’s answer to your question is just as likely to reveal something I said buried in a podcast episode as it is in a tweet or a blog post.

For example, go see what happens when you ask my clone, “How can I create more valuable social content?”

You’ll get an answer that references (and links to) advice I’ve shared about the topic on YouTube, in my podcast, on my blog, and on Twitter.

Pretty powerful.

The Benefits To My Audience

This clone as concierge concept is cool, but I wouldn’t embrace something like this unless I believed it could create value beyond being just a neat parlor trick.

I’ve only just begun to experiment with my clone, but I see a ton of potential value it can provide to my audience including:

• It will give my audience greater access to the entire library of expertise I’ve shared over the years in a simple way.

• It will help them find the information I’ve shared that’s most relevant to their needs.

• As I share my experience leveraging my clone, my audience will benefit from seeing how they can do something similar for themselves.

Speaking of which…

Learn more about how a clone might help you here.

The Benefits To My Business

If you know me, you know I’m all about creating value for my audience.

That’s why I led with the ways a clone will help me do that.

But in doing so, this will also unlock value for my business.

For example:

• It makes it easier for me to search my own archives and repurpose content in answers to my audience’s questions.

• Because I can see the questions my audience asks my clone, I’ll get a sense of what they want to learn – this will allow me to create more content around those specific topics.

• I can incorporate my clone into other elements of my business that are already question-driven.

For example, instead of having people submit questions they want to ask me on my podcast in a Google form, I could have them submit questions through my clone.

That way they’d get answers even if they don’t wind up on the show.

• I don’t plan to do this initially, but you can use your clone to grow your email list by making people register to use it – so you could essentially turn it into a lead magnet.

But you know how I feel about lead magnets.

And if you don’t, go ask my clone, “How do you feel about lead magnets?”

• Clones can also be monetized.

For example, I could make the clone only available to my Skill Sessions members down the road and have it be another perk of membership.

This Is Just The Beginning

Will I do all of those things? No.

Will I do some of them? Probably.

This is all an experiment at this stage so it’s too early to know exactly how I’ll use it, how my audience will use it, and what it may become.

But there’s a ton of potential here and I encourage you to experiment with using my clone and creating one of your own.

Learn more here.

And you can also browse other experts’ clones here.
