My Current Twitter Strategy

1. Post a thread with 10 bits of actionable advice to help people grow their audience or business every morning at 6 am PST. 

2. Reply to every reply I get on the thread — this encourages engagement and helps boost it in the algorithm.

3. Retweet every quote tweet when people share my threads — this encourages more of that and pushes the thread back into people’s feeds. 

4. In my daily newsletter for creative entrepreneurs, link to the thread that gets the most impressions that week.

5. In my Sunday newsletter, link to the second best performing thread in my Starting Five section. 

6. In my Sunday newsletter, link to the third best performing thread in my intro or Final Words of the Week section.

7. In the second to last tweet of each thread, include a link to another relevant thread I published. 

8. In the last tweet of each thread, plug my newsletter with a relevant pitch to the topic of the thread.

9. If a thread gets 10K+ impressions, post it as a blog post on my website and Medium. 

10. Analyze the most successful threads to see if there are elements I can use again in future threads.

You can see all these tactics in action on my Twitter account.
