How To Grow Your Newsletter

A newsletter is a secret weapon.

When used correctly, it’s one of the most powerful tools at your disposal to grow an audience or brand and an incredible way to deliver value to whoever you hope to reach. Plus, newsletters are algorithm proof and give you control of your own audience as opposed to leaving you at the whims of the social networks.

I’ve grown my For The Interested newsletter to 25,000 subscribers, run the popular Newsletter Creators Facebook group, and leverage my expertise to help other individuals and companies use newsletters to accomplish their goals.

If you’d like to know more about how I can help you grow your newsletter, email me at

In the meantime, here are a few posts I’ve written to share my thoughts about how to grow a newsletter…

5 Tactics I’ve Used To Get 25,000 Newsletter Subscribers

This is what it takes to find an audience, get them to subscribe, and keep them engaged with your newsletter.

The Secret To A Successful Newsletter Is Consistency

You won’t have a successful newsletter unless you have a consistent one.

How I Write My Newsletter

A look at the 10 steps I go through each week to create a newsletter thousands of people read and share.

How To Get More People To Subscribe To Your Newsletter

It’s a big ask for somebody to trust you with their email address – here’s what it takes to get them to do so.

25 Newsletters That Inspire, Educate, And Entertain

There are so many great newsletters being produced these days and here’s a few to inspire you to launch and grow your own.

