In order to grow a business you need to figure out two things: The value you provide and the people who seek it.
That may sound simple, but it’s actually quite difficult – especially when you’re so close to your own creations, starting from scratch, or mired in assumptions about what your business is based on what it’s always been.
As a business growth strategist, I help entrepreneurs and companies with planning, positioning, branding, marketing, social media, and product development to find their ideal customers and clarify the value their products provide to them.
To learn more about how I can help you grow your business, email me at
In the meantime, here are a few posts I’ve written to share my thoughts about how to grow a business…
Want To Make Money From Your Expertise? Start Here.
Your answers to these six questions will show you how to turn your knowledge into a product, and that product into a business.
You Have A Competitive Advantage – Here’s How To Find It.
The key to attracting customers and overcoming the competition is to figure out what’s unique about you and your work.
Five Ways To Increase Demand For What You Do
It’s not enough to just make something great. You also have to create a demand for it.
Get More Attention For Your Creations By Telling Your Three Stories
You won’t be able to get people to care about your business until you learn how to tell them a compelling story.
The Secret To Getting More Customers
The five questions to ask your existing customers that will unlock the path to getting new ones.