What to post on social media to get clients.

1. Ask this question about every piece of content you create:

“What can someone do after consuming my post that they couldn’t do before it?”

If you can’t answer that question, then your content isn’t actionable.

And if it’s not actionable, it’s probably not valuable,

It may be interesting, but interesting isn’t what gets you clients – actionable is.

Optimize every social post you create to help your target clients DO things .

That ensures you’re providing them value and value is what leads people to follow, engage, and share your content.

But most importantly, value is what makes them want to hire and buy from you.

2. Post content that resonates with your target clients.

Create content that makes your target clients feel one or more of these five things:

“I can relate to this.”

“I can do something with this.”

“This reflects something I believe/want.”

“This gives me a new perspective on something I believe/want.”

“This will change me in a way I want to change.”

Watch this 3-minute excerpt from my podcast:

3. Repurpose and repost content that works.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel every day when it comes to social content.

Pay attention to how your posts perform and then repost the ones that work best every few months.

You’re ultimately building a “content library” of posts you know your target audience likes so you can eventually get to a point where you hardly have to create any new content at all.

Don’t worry about being repetitive – most of your followers didn’t see your post the first time (because algorithms typically show them to less than 10% of your audience) and even if they did, they don’t remember it.

I’ve posted on social media for years and 60%+ of what I post these days is a repost.

Yet not a single person has ever said anything negative about that to me.

In fact, most times even I don’t remember having posted it a few months ago.

A good place to start is to use the world’s simplest 30-day content system.

I explain it here in a 1-minute excerpt from my podcast:
