Want me to help you craft the 30 most crucial sentences in your business?
Here’s your chance.
My new Skill Session, The Sentence Collection, is now available!
It Will Help You…
• Attract and convert your ideal customers
• Clearly communicate the value you offer
• Ensure your messaging is consistent
• Save time when creating content and marketing materials
What You Get
The Sentence Collection is a 51-minute video where I give you templates and tips to write the following:
1. Your goal statement
2. Your value proposition
3. Who your work is NOT for
4. Your social bio
5. Your pinned post
6. An awareness poll social post
7. A compliment social post
8. A direct message to a new follower
9. Your newsletter signup page headline (watch free excerpt)
10. Your email list signup thank you page
11. Your welcome email subject line
12. Your re-engagement sequence subject lines
13. A cross-promotion pitch email
14. The copy for links in your emails
15. Your privacy promise
16. Your email signature
17. Your cart close sales email subject line
18. A promotional email subject line for when you send multiple emails in a day
19. Cold email subject lines
20. How to say no (watch free excerpt)
21. The opening line of your podcast intro
22. How to answer the question, “Tell us about yourself.”
23. Effective questions to ask on your podcast
24. The first sentence of your sales page
25. A sentence to include when you offer a money-back guarantee
26. The first thing to say when you start a meeting or coaching call (watch free excerpt)
27. A question to ask when you request a testimonial
28. Blog post headlines
29. How to promote your product within a blog post
30. CTA copy for buttons on forms
What Members Say About The Sentence Collection
• “Gave me a clearer picture of how I should present the value I offer. Going through all 30 questions as an exercise, gives me a clearer picture of what I’m trying to achieve with my newsletter and a renewed focus.” – Myles Faulkner
• “Love how Josh distills the idea down to the basic principle. A fantastic, actionable breakdown of key concepts and marketing ideas.” – Brendan McAdams
• “An abundance of ideas which are genius in their simplicity, actionable and create intrigue!” – Ann English
• “I took 3 pages of notes.” – Mark Wigginton
How To Get The Sentence Collection
The Sentence Collection is only available to Skill Sessions members.
Join here to get immediate access to The Sentence Collection.
When you do, you ALSO get access to my previous 16 Skill Sessions including:
• The One-Week Promo Plan: A system you can use to drive attention and conversions to one offer in one week.
• The Solopreneur Simplifier: Systems and tools to simplify the creation and promotion of your content, products, and services.
• The Newsletter Social Playbook: A system you can follow to use social media to grow your newsletter…and vice versa.
Plus, as a member you’ll have the chance to get one-on-one help from me with your projects on our monthly Jam Session group coaching calls.