10 Ways To Boost Sales In One Minute

If you’re reading this post about how to get more sales in a minute, the last thing you want is a rambling introduction.

Here’s what to do…

1. Ask a subscriber or follower if there’s anything you can help them with.

Then actually help them.

Once they get free value from you, they’re more likely to buy from you.

2. Re-share your best converting piece of content on social media.

No matter how often you’ve shared it, most of your audience still hasn’t seen it.

3. Send an email to your email list asking how you can help them.

Do what you did in #1, but do it at scale.

4. Send a 9-word email.

This is a Dean Jackson tactic

Send an email to previous leads that says “Are you still looking to ____?”

It’s a way to re-start a conversation.

5. Message someone you admire and thank them for the value they’ve given you.

Start a conversation and see where it leads. 

Maybe they’ll want to buy what you’re selling. 

Maybe they’ll tell their audience about it.

6. Subscribe to For The Interested.

Getting access to the secrets of successful creators will do wonders for your ability to sell.

7. Ask a previous buyer for a testimonial.

Share that testimonial on social media and add it to your sales page.

8. Raise your price by 10%.

It won’t cost you a single sale. 

It will make you more money on every sale.

9. Email previous buyers with an upsell.

The easiest people to sell to are the ones who have already bought from you.

Offer them something else to buy.

10. Offer a one day discount or incentive.

Give people a reason to buy right now.
