The Illusion of Control

You probably want more control.

Of your work, your art, your time, and your life.

You think you don’t have control over your circumstances.

You think control equates freedom and freedom equates happiness.

You think the path to more control is through experience and success.

That if you put in enough time, you’ll gain more control.

But you won’t.

Success doesn’t get you control, it simply creates an illusion of control.

You’ll get more opportunities, money, and security, but success also brings a new set of variables you can’t control.

There becomes more at stake, more stakeholders, and more to lose.

The truth is, you have just as much control in the beginning as you do in the end.

The only thing you can ever control is how you react to a world you can’t control.

The sooner you figure that out, the better.



Eric December 30, 2015 Reply

I believe you are confusing a need for control, of a few, with the need for influence and relevance of the many. Most of us seek relevance, we want to know we add value and how what we do, contributes to the success of whatever we are part of. I like the management perspective on effective in the leadership of smart creatives and other strong people and teams “be an authority, not an authority figure”. We want to need to offer value to achieve influence. Influence isn’t controlling but it is leadership. Some think that’s control but that missed the point.

Don Egbers February 9, 2016 Reply

solid truth young man.

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