1. Authority isn’t binary – it’s a spectrum.
There’s no such thing as having or not having authority.
It’s all relative.
Do I have authority as a web designer? Not compared to an actual web designer.
But compared to someone who doesn’t know how to set up a WordPress site and install a template?
Sure I do.
Whether or not you have “authority” as an expert is entirely dependent on the audience you’re targeting and what they need.
2. Credentials don’t equal authority.
Most credentials are completely unnecessary.
And in most cases the people who chase them aren’t as effective as the ones who simply went out and did the work.
Credentials can create authority in the eye of people who don’t know you or your work, but…
That authority can be immediately lost once they discover your actual work if it’s not good.
So did you really have it in the first place?
Speaking of which…
3. You don’t need authority.
It’s mostly an illusion.
Not having it won’t prevent you from doing anything you want to do.
The more someone thinks they need authority to succeed…
The more insecure they tend to be about themselves and their work.
And it’s that insecurity which holds them back.
What you actually need is confidence because confidence conveys authority.
(Side note: Confidence isn’t a lack of fear – it’s a belief you’ll be OK even if something fails.)
For a deeper dive into authority and how best to leverage it, listen to this episode of my podcast.
Or, watch it below: