
Every once in a while I have the opportunity to share my thoughts on what it takes to grow an audience, business, or newsletter. Here are a few examples of those conversations.

If you’d like to book me to chat about these topics on your show or at your conference, email me at Thanks!

My interview about newsletters, email marketing, and The Oscars on The Ideas Lab podcast (2019)

My interview about social media strategies for comedians on the Hunk with Mike Bridenstine podcast (2019)

My interview about how to grow your audience and business using a newsletter on the Kim Doyal Show podcast (2019)

My interview about Twitter strategy on the Show This Thread podcast (2019)

My interview with eCommerceFuel about how to hire a social media expert (2018)

My interview about how to build an audience and get your dream job on the Imperfect Action podcast (2018)

• My interview about my career path, social media, and how to build a brand on The Subplot podcast (2018)

• Let’s Get Weird: My talk at Creative Mornings Los Angeles (2016)
